Saturday, May 14, 2011

A baby update, plus submissions done

I'll start with the knitting update.  My submission for the upcoming Jane Austen Knits publication is done, emailed, and sample sent in the mail.  The deadline isn't for several more weeks, but I discovered yesterday that Canada Post is threatening a strike, which got me really nervous.  If they walk out on strike, it would be on May 24, which is before my deadline and would virtually ensure that my package would not arrive on time.  So I hauled my butt into gear yesterday and finished the last of my editing.  It was an extremely busy and productive day.  I don't think I've ever sat so long at one project.

The project itself was already finished, and my test knitter had finished her sample, too, which made everything easier.  The hard part was scaling up the math for the finished dimensions.  Still, it's extremely pretty and I am super excited to see it on the shelves in the late fall.  :)

Now on to other news.  To the left you can see the tiny little human incubating inside me.  She is absolutely perfect and healthy.

Yes...that's it again, I said SHE!

We found out on May 4 that we are having a little girl.  She was wide awake and extremely cooperative in informing us that she is a girl.  We do have a few names set aside, but we are not sharing them until she is actually born.

She's kicking up a storm and is extremely active.  It's a little distracting feeling a tiny foot imbed itself in your bladder, but mostly it's just really cool.  Not entirely comfortable, but interesting and exciting nevertheless.  Still, I'm looking forward to getting the next 19 weeks finished up so that I can actually meet her.

Knitting and focusing so heavily on deadlines is helping to make the time speed by.  Or maybe it just speeds by when you're pregnant.  I think it's the knitting that makes it go so fast, really, because it just seems to crawl by so slowly at night.  I might "accidentally" smack the next person who implies that pregnancy insomnia is just your body preparing yourself for less sleep when the baby comes.
A) My body doesn't need that much practice.
and B) Wouldn't a better way of preparing be to store up as much sleep as you can now so that you're all rested and happy when she makes her debut?

Maybe that's just me.  Or maybe pregnancy really does make you slightly crazy.

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